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Butterfly Theatre Company

Company Co-Director & Executive Creative Producer (Jan 2014 - Jan 2020)

Butterfly creates immersive, site-responsive performance experiences for unusual and non-traditional spaces including caves, castles and woodlands. 


Highlights to date include: Working with Visual Artist Luke Jerram to performatively respond to his installation 'Withdrawn' at Leigh Woods, Bristol, by creating an adaptation of The Tempest; collaborating with the London Symphony Orchestra to create 'Play On Shakespeare!' for Shakespeare 400 celebrations; working with National Trust Jersey to create an immersive run of Oscar Wilde plays and celebrating Butterfly’s 10th anniversary in Kents Cavern, Torquay with an Arts Council England funded school’s participation project with teacher CPD programme.


In August 2018 I led on establishing Butterfly as a Company Limited by Guarantee. 


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